George Michael was arrested in a public toilet on Friday, September 19, 2008. After being taken to a police station, he was given the caution for possessing class A and class C drugs.
From Michael ‘sorry’ over drugs arrest:
In a statement Michael said: “I want to apologise to my fans for screwing up again, and to promise them I’ll sort myself out. And to say sorry to everybody else, just for boring them.”
About Melanie
Melanie is the co-founder of Yours Only George and has been the webmaster of the site since 1997. Melanie has been a George Michael and Wham! fan since "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" in 1984.
10 replies on “George Michael “Sorry” over Drugs Arrest”
He needs God in his life. Amazing voice, writer, producer, and performer…but he needs to get his life in order before he kills himself or someone else.
The tour is over and George is on tabloid again again… 😥
Maybe he needs to announce another tour as he seems to get into trouble when he has too much time on his hands.
I agree with Harry. George Michael should get back into the studios and create some more songs. Music seems to be the only thing that keeps him out of trouble, but lately he has not been releasing anything too great. 😀
I, for one, wouldn’t want that kind of life. People constantly judging you on everything to do or say. Everything you wear or don’t wear. George is George. 🙂
Everyone (especially the media) needs to leave George alone and butt out of his life. He is happy being with Kenny, he probably doesn’t want to tour anymore so he can have a personal life with his partner. I have never had the privelage to see him in concert, I listen to his music all the time, I have loved him since he was in Wham! with Andrew. I love his music and I hate to think of him not writing or performing any more, but he wants to move on to other projects that he wants to pursue and we need to respect that.
P.S. – You are never boring!!!
I think too much of a quiet life with Kenny bores George – it must do because it’s those times in London when he is often caught getting up to no good. He is fine when he’s touring, and doesn’t appear to want to give up playing either.
George what on earth are you doing? You have so much going for you, So much talent and love. Please don’t throw it away by your reckless habits.
What you do in your private life is your do, but just be careful mate.
GM is obviously not happy! Why in the world would he risk his career-life for that matter, displaying himself in public toilets? I believe he rather likes the danger, and of course the sex. Don’t we all, but come on sweet thing, you are smarter than this.
He has worked most of his life to create beautiful, incredible music, just to throw it all away for a brief encouter with God knows who. As for the drugs, I think the pot was for his use, and I hope the other stuff was to attract scary lovers.
I am so concerned for his safety I have ask my gay friends about this habit GM has, and they say it’s quiet common. Oh well, who knew? I love, love, love him anyway.
NOTE TO GEORGE, Keep the music coming and when visiting toilets please use decretion. Who loves you baby?
WTF! GM has sooo much talent. I have been a fan since the days of WHAM! I know he still has it. I would love for him to do another concert, and another CD. GM’s private life is just that PRIVATE! GM needs to stop giving the media something to talk about! I still love GM 🙂