Tony Parsons, the author of Bare (Amazon Ad), has an article entitled George Michael needs to find some respect for himself. It says, in part:
“Those of us who care about George will hope that his court case is a wake-up call. He is turning into a shambling wreck of a man. And if he does not change soon, then the possibility of doing time in prison will be the least of his worries.”
Tony Parsons
This is a powerful article from someone who had known George Michael since the Wham! days and is worth a read. Obviously, having written George Michael’s biography, Tony Parsons has insight that others may not have.
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About Melanie
Melanie is the co-founder of Yours Only George and has been the webmaster of the site since 1997. Melanie has been a George Michael and Wham! fan since "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" in 1984.
4 replies on “Tony Parsons Article on George Michael”
Personally I hate the gossip and the negativity that follows the man around…The voice and the music speak for themself as far as him being an artist…but aside from that…he is a normal human being who deserves not to be followed around and nattered about if and when he makes a mistake…I could write a book about the mistakes I’ve made…but I didn’t write or sing “Faith” or “One More Try”…and I’m sure “everybody’s got some moment in their life They can’t change ( don’t they baby?)”
Let him deal with what ever he needs to with the ones who care…and the ones who really don’t should leve him alone…
I agree with most of the above statement by VHollis0625. He needs to be left alone to deal with his own problems.
Everyone has problems in their life! It’s just some people do a better job of sorting through them then others.
I believe, he will sort his problems out, but first he will have to take a break from being in the public eye. He need’s to take a holiday maybe abroad away from the glare of the media. Hire out a boat and go fishing, I heard he loves boats. Maybe even explore cyprus islands for a bit.
Sometimes song’s speak louder then words…
He just needs to give himself “one more try”
in sorting his problems out privately.
Until then he’ll have to keep ” praying for time”and hopes the judge will give him another chance to do so.
In life there are things you can not change, but then some mistakes can be a blessing in disguise.
My compasssion for GM is gone…
I’ve been a fan for a very long time.
He doesnt owe anyone anything musically, all though it would be nice to have music more often.
But, the man could easily have killed someone on these seven occasions. That is when it gets beyond a problem he needs to deal with and find himself and becomes a problem for other people. He can easily kill someone… That ticks me off…
I’ve lost friends in reckless driving incidents and the very nature of driving like that really bothers me.
Grow the “F” up George. You want to kill yourself fine, but don’t bring other people with you.
Get a driver, get clean or get lost.
with love Kevin