
Prisoner A8365AW … George Michael

From George Michael serenaded by sex offenders on his first day in jail:

Michael is expected to spend just four days at Pentonville before being moved to an open prison.

It will upset the jail’s cons – who were delighted at having a pop legend in their midst.

Convicted shoplifter Joao Sena, also released yesterday, said: “We were shouting ‘George Michael’s coming, bring him on!’.”

“He was where the paedophiles, grasses and sex offenders are all kept. It’s not a nice place but because George is a celebrity the prison bosses must have thought he’s vulnerable.”

The singer was locked up alone in cell 35 – known among other inmates as “The Ritz” because it’s the cushiest in the jail. One former inmate said: “It’s the best cell in the whole prison. It has duvets, cushions, even its own digital TV box.

“He’s being treated like a king and has guards swarming all over him. The last thing they want is something to happen to him.

“Pentonville is really tough and some people just can’t cope with being locked up.

About Melanie

Melanie is the co-founder of Yours Only George and has been the webmaster of the site since 1997. Melanie has been a George Michael and Wham! fan since "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" in 1984.

Faith Personal

George Michael’s Re-release of Faith Canceled

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George Michael’s re-release of the remastered, 2-Disc Faith has been canceled.

From More agony as relaunch is axed:

Sony planned a multi-million pound promotion for the world-wide re-release of his album Faith on September 27. A spokesman said the decision to cancel was “out of respect” for the star.

But an industry insider said: “They had set aside a large budget and wanted George to do a lot of work backing it up. They couldn’t promote it after what happened in court.

“There’s been a scramble to recoup all the effort and money that has gone into this.”

Faith will now be released on January 31, 2011. (Amazon Ad)

The 2-Disc Faith track listings are:

Disc: 1

  • Faith
  • Father Figure
  • I Want Your Sex
  • One More Try
  • Hard Day
  • Hand to Mouth
  • Look at Your Hands
  • Monkey
  • Kissing a Fool
  • A Last Request (I Want Your Sex)

Disc: 2

  • Faith
  • Fantasy
  • Hard Day
  • I Believe (When I Fall in Love It Will Be Forever)
  • Kissing a Fool
  • Love’s in Need of Love Today
  • Monkey
  • Monkey
  • Monkey

Make sure to follow Yours Only George on Facebook and X, and join our mailing list for the latest news on George Michael.

About Melanie

Melanie is the co-founder of Yours Only George and has been the webmaster of the site since 1997. Melanie has been a George Michael and Wham! fan since "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" in 1984.


£10,000 a Week Protection Demanded of George Michael from Prison Thugs

From George Michael ‘facing demands for £10K a week as protection money’:

Singer George Michael has caused quite a stir at the prison in Pentonville where he is jailed, with prison heavies demanding he pay them £10,000 a week to protect him in the showers.

Michael, 47, has been warned he is a prime target for a beating, or worse, and prison gangs have told him he may already have had his Last Christmas.

Cheers greeted him when he arrived at the 1,250-capacity north London prison after being jailed for eight weeks for crashing his car while high on cannabis.

And while some taunted him with choruses of his massive hit Freedom, others shouted: “Where’s George Michael? Bring George Michael!”

Jail bosses want him moved to an open prison as soon as possible, as they fear inmates are already queuing up to snap the first photo of him behind bars, and if he is pictured he could sue the prison for a breach of his human rights.

“All celebrity prisoners are ‘problems’ because they attract more attention. But we have a duty to protect all inmates,” The Daily Star quoted a top level Ministry of Justice insider as saying.

About Melanie

Melanie is the co-founder of Yours Only George and has been the webmaster of the site since 1997. Melanie has been a George Michael and Wham! fan since "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" in 1984.


George Michael Appeals

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According to George Michael loses last-ditch bid for Freedom:

But less than hour after District Judge John Perkins ordered him to be taken away to the cells, Michael was back in court lodging an immediate appeal against the sentence his solicitor described as “manifestly excessive”.

With all of the other TV news crews and reporters all camped outside the rear gates of Highbury Corner Magistrates Court waiting for the 47-year-old former Wham! star to be driven off to prison, Michael was in Court Three applying for bail, which if granted, meant he would be able to leave by the front doors of court and spend the night at home.

Announcing the swift decision to appeal, his barrister Mukul Chawla said: “We will be submitting that the sentence imposed is manifestly excessive and in view of the circumstances of this case, not warranted.

“Our appeal is going to take a little time to organise and to list and the prospect is that much of the sentence will already have been served by the time an appeal is heard.

Addressing the judge he said: “I appreciate it is always very difficult when you have made the decision and you are now being told in effect that you got it wrong.

“We say there are added factors in this case that give optimism for grounds of success and we submit that the matter can be fully ventilated on appeal.” But Judge Perkins dealt Michael a second blow by insisting he remain behind bars.

He said: “I have listened to the application for bail but I am not prepared to grant it in respect of this matter.

“You will therefore remain in custody and those who represent you can make an application to the crown court.”

On hearing this Michael, who was visibly angry, shook his head at his legal team and said ‘I told you’ as he was led away.

Make sure to follow Yours Only George on Facebook and X, and join our mailing list for the latest news on George Michael.

About Melanie

Melanie is the co-founder of Yours Only George and has been the webmaster of the site since 1997. Melanie has been a George Michael and Wham! fan since "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" in 1984.


George Michael Placed in Solitary Confinement

Here are some articles on George’s last few days:

About Melanie

Melanie is the co-founder of Yours Only George and has been the webmaster of the site since 1997. Melanie has been a George Michael and Wham! fan since "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" in 1984.