
More Details on George Michael’s Accident Emerge

A few articles are giving possible details on George Michael’s accident last week.

The Mirror (May 24th) has quotes from a “pal” regarding rumors that George Michael may have intentionally thrown himself from the car:

“There is no mystery – he was just trying to shut the door. George has been perfectly happy and is in a great place. To insinuate that he threw himself out of the car is absurd.”

The source added that the star had been happily immersed in his music, explaining: “George has been writing a new album and is really pleased with what he’s done so far.

“It was an accident and he is the first person to put his hand up and say, ‘I’m sorry’. He deserves more sympathy.”

The Sun (May 23rd) has a quote from another eyewitness of George Michael’s accident:

Ben Quince was directly behind when the former Wham! star, 49, tumbled out as his Range Rover shot up the M1 at 70mph.

Ben, 37, said: “I suddenly saw the back door on the driver’s side open.

“A body appeared and went bounce, bounce, bounce. He was spinning as he came towards me.

“I had to swerve left. I could have killed him.

“In my mirror I saw trucks and cars swerving to avoid him.”

The article also stated:

George Michael suffered head injuries and remained in hospital last night. An aide said: “He’s progressing.”

About Melanie

Melanie is the co-founder of Yours Only George and has been the webmaster of the site since 1997. Melanie has been a George Michael and Wham! fan since "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" in 1984.


Eyewitness Didn’t Know George Michael Was Injured Man

The BBC has a new interview with Katherine Fox, the eyewitness to George Michael’s accident last week.  In the interview, she talks about the crash as well as the fact that she didn’t know it was George Michael because there was “blood everywhere.”

She told the BBC:

“He had a deep cut above his left eyebrow which was really bleeding down his face into his teeth,” she said.

“Even if I had known who it was, I probably wouldn’t have recognised him.

“I spoke to him like he was a normal guy but he was totally shocked, I don’t think he was in any state to talk.”

She added: “You don’t expect to be sitting on the motorway with an A-list celebrity.

“If he was sat next to me in a restaurant I wouldn’t have recognised him, the whole celebrity thing just passes me by,

“I didn’t know it was George Michael until the Friday afternoon – I was so shocked.”

About Melanie

Melanie is the co-founder of Yours Only George and has been the webmaster of the site since 1997. Melanie has been a George Michael and Wham! fan since "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" in 1984.


George Michael Accident Mystery

Fans worldwide are asking what happened the night George Michael fell out of a speeding car. Official word is that he is “fine” and “making good progress.” There are also conflicting reports about whether he has been released from the hospital.

The Mirror is reporting today:

After the star, 49, was airlifted to hospital with a head injury last Thursday, police sources confirmed the accident was still unexplained and “far from cut and dried”.

Investigators are concentrating on the testimony of two other men who were also in Michael’s vehicle – the driver and a fellow passenger.

The Mirror

Make sure to follow Yours Only George on Facebook and X, and join our mailing list for the latest news on George Michael.

About Melanie

Melanie is the co-founder of Yours Only George and has been the webmaster of the site since 1997. Melanie has been a George Michael and Wham! fan since "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" in 1984.


George Michael Fell Out of Speeding Car, Eyewitness Says

Katherine Fox was one of the first on the scene of George Michael’s accident, according to The Sun.

Katherine said: “I saw blood everywhere and a man on the ground.

“I thought someone had run across the road and been hit.

“I asked what had gone on and was told he tried to open the car door and shut it again because it wasn’t shut properly and apparently fell out at 70mph.

“I was on the phone to the ambulance and said, ‘You’d better come quick. This doesn’t look good’.

“George was wearing a black and gold Adidas tracksuit that was ripped all down the arm and shoulder. He had no trainers on.

“I grabbed one from the second lane because cars were swerving to avoid it.

“His sunglasses were also in the road. I could hear the crunch as cars drove over them.”

“George didn’t say anything, he just seemed in shock.

“He was sitting down against a car and in the arms of his friend.

“The guy holding him was quite scared. He kept saying to George, ‘Are you all right mate?’

“I think George was lucky he didn’t die.

“If he’d landed in the second lane he would have been hit by a car without a doubt.

“He was in the middle of the M1. I could have run him over.”

The BBC is reporting:

His spokeswoman said: “Following the traffic accident on Thursday, we can confirm that he is still in hospital.

“We are keen to stress it’s purely as a precaution for observation.

“He did suffer a couple of bumps and bruises to the head and that’s why they are keeping him in – to keep an eye on him.

“He is doing better. He is making good progress and is looking forward to getting out.”

About Melanie

Melanie is the co-founder of Yours Only George and has been the webmaster of the site since 1997. Melanie has been a George Michael and Wham! fan since "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" in 1984.


George Michael Is Fine After Traffic Accident

George Michael was injured in a car crash on the M1 motorway on Thursday night, according to the Mirror. He was a passenger in a car on the northbound carriageway when the incident occurred around 5:50 p.m.

The official George Michael site says:

George Michael was a passenger in a vehicle involved in a traffic accident yesterday evening, no third party was involved.  He is being treated for superficial cuts and bruises but is fine.  We have no further comment at this time.

Official George Michael Site

The Mirror is saying that another man in the car was flown by air ambulance to a specialist trauma center in London for treatment on a head injury.

TMZ is reporting a slightly different story:

A rep for the emergency response crew released a statement saying, “[George]  sustained a head injury and following treatment, stabilisation and immobilization by land and air ambulance crews, he was flown to the hospital for further care.”


Make sure to follow Yours Only George on Facebook and X, and join our mailing list for the latest news on George Michael.

About Melanie

Melanie is the co-founder of Yours Only George and has been the webmaster of the site since 1997. Melanie has been a George Michael and Wham! fan since "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" in 1984.