Just for Fun

Retro Wham! Commercial

Today, I was reading about Maxell discontinuing products at Maxell to Discontinue Its Line of Infamous Discs, and I have to say that the accompanying link to YouTube with the Maxell Wham! commercial just made me smile.

Kenny Goss

Salad Anyone?

I’m sure you’ll all be excited to know that George Michael had a salad for dinner on Wednesday when he had dinner with Kenny in Dallas.  You can read more about it in George Michael roughs it.

Just for Fun

The Power of George Michael in Google’s Algorithm

Having had this George Michael site disappear from Google for six months for absolutely no reason, I have to say I’m not a big Google fan.  So, I had a great chuckle over the insipid Google algorithm that pulled up a George Michael video instead of the scientific term specified in the search.

Eli Stone

Guest Star George Michael March 13th Episode

George Michael will be guest starring as himself in the March 13th episode of “Eli Stone” entitled “Heal the Pain.”

Eli Stone

Eli Stone Not Doing Well?

The following articles aren’t good news for “Eli Stone.”

New shows get lukewarm welcome

And none of the first-year shows on the current sked — “Welcome to the Captain” on CBS, “Carpoolers,” “Cashmere Mafia” and “Eli Stone” on ABC, and Lipstick Jungle” on NBC — are really clicking. While “Eli” and “Lipstick” have done decently, there’s nothing in their early numbers to suggest that they’ll be long-term players.

ABC Moves Lost

 ABC has tried several new shows in the 10 p.m. Thursday period that have been unable to capitalize on “Grey’s” success. Case in point: Current occupant “Eli Stone” is notably absent from the newly announced spring lineup. Since “Stone” debuted this year, it has averaged a 3.3 rating in the time period. An ABC spokesman said the network hasn’t decided when the remaining “Stone” episodes will air.

Eli Stone

ABC Moves Eli Stone!

According to ABC Sets Spring Schedule, we won’t be seeing “Eli Stone” on Thursdays at 10 p.m. during the spring.

ABC outlined its spring schedule Wednesday, highlighted by Lost moving back one hour to 10 p.m. Thursdays and pushing rookie Eli Stone out of the time slot.

Lost, currently anchoring Thursdays at 9 p.m., will come back with five more original episodes April 24.

ABC is still considering where on the schedule to plug in the rest of Eli Stone’s 13-episode order when Lost moves.

Eli Stone

Father Figure Episode

I’m sure you all heard the George Michael song during last week’s episode of “Father Figure.” (The song was “This Is Not Real Love” and was played when Taylor and Eli entered their engagement party.)  It appears that some are actually missing the George Michael parts of “Eli Stone.”

‘Eli Stone’ Recap: Saving Private Swaine

So much for singing and dancing on “Eli Stone.” Eli’s (Jonny Lee Miller) visions take a grisly turn this week as this time he gets thrust into the middle of a war zone (seems like WW II). Apparently, the not-so-cryptic message he receives is that he is supposed to rescue a Private Swain and take some ridge. That’s all well and good; but no George Michael song? What a gyp.

Eli Stone: Father Figure

With much humility, I am forced to seat myself in the ugly seat this week. I was convinced that George Michael’s star power would dominate the show. Not only has his presence and music complemented the main plots nicely, but that same presence was almost non-existent in this episode. All I can say is, I’m sorry and I stand corrected.

Media Photos

In the Recording Studio in London

George Michael Is Still a Big Pop Star has a photo of George Michael from yesterday and says that he was leaving the recording studio in London.

Eli Stone

New “Faith” Video

ABC now has a new video for “Faith,” which includes parts of the original “Faith” video by George Michael, along with clips from “Eli Stone.”  Check it out.

Eli Stone

Run out of George Michael Songs?

I’m seriously irritated that again someone is wondering what “Eli Stone” will do when they run out of George Michael songs.  I just looked at the official site, and it lists more than 40 singles!  I also just quickly added up George Michael songs on albums, and that includes more than 70 songs!  What’s most irritating is that the current article comes from the ABC blog! Come on people, do a little research before you say something like this:

Incidentally, this episode was titled “Freedom,” after the George Michael song that features prominently throughout the show. All the episodes are named after George Michael or Wham songs, as near as I can tell.Coming up, “Father Figure” and “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go.” For reals.

Sooner or later Eli Stone is going to run out of George Michael songs and they’re going to have to go with some other artist. I think they should base the second season of Eli Stone on the hard-rockin’ music of Ted Nugent, the Motor City Madman.  ABC could pull in a whole new demographic to the show.

OK, bad idea.  Who would be a better choice than The Nuge once Eli Stone runs out of George Michael songs?  You make the call.

Eli Stone

Q & A with Co-Creators and Executive Producers of Eli Stone has an interview with the “Eli Stone” co-creators and executive producers Greg Berlanti and Marc Guggenheim.  George Michael is discussed throughout the article, including the following:  

What lead to the idea for ELI STONE, a lawyer having all going so well for him, and then seemingly in “crisis” ? And, which came first — the idea for a lawyer in crisis, or George Michael?

The idea for a lawyer who might be a modern day prophet came first, but George followed quickly thereafter. We wanted Eli’s first “vision” to be a song from his formative years by someone who’s been out of the spotlight for a while yet instantly recognizable. George not only fit this criteria, but was perfect because the themes of his music perfectly fit all the themes of the series.

And — why George Michael? Will he be a continuing element in the show?

George and his music will most definitely be continuing elements in the show. As we said, the themes of his music really capture the message of the show and his songs are featured prominently in future episodes. George himself will appear in three more episodes over the course of our first season.

Eli Stone

George Michael Interview

The ABC site has a video interview with George Michael.

Eli Stone

More “Eli Stone” News

Here are some of the recent articles on “Eli Stone.”

The kooky, mystical Eli Stone asks, “What Would George Michael Do?”

There is one Cop Rock–style sort of production number in every episode of Eli Stone, but only one. Not all feature George Michael in person—taking one energetic turn will be Garber himself, a Broadway song-and-dance man before he enlisted as Jennifer Garner’s spooky father on Alias—but many of Michael’s songs are referenced. This baffles me as much as it does Eli. But when Eli sees Michael’s name spelled out in blocks by an autistic little boy, he is all of a sudden moved to represent that boy’s mother in a suit against a pharmaceutical company whose flu vaccine may have contributed to the autism.

A look at “Lipstick Jungle,” “Eli Stone,” and “Welcome to the Captain” and some other stuff

The fantasy elements, so far, have been lame. The George Michael bits are not interesting at all. The dance routine in the second episode was terrible (it was funny seeing Garber dance, though). And because we still don’t have a full understanding of who Eli Stone is the bigger fantasy elements (like the attack plane) just don’t work. We don’t understand his personality, we don’t fully understand what exactly he could feel guilty or concerned about, and so when something odd happens it’s just stupid. Again, yes, the show is only two episodes old at this point and hasn’t found its voice yet, but it’s going to have to find it fast and I don’t think it can. I get the feeling that this show could go thirteen episodes or more and not find its voice and balance. That’s a serious problem.

‘Lost’ leads ABC to win

As for “Eli Stone,” it averaged a second place 3.3/9 in 18-49 and 8.83 million viewers overall — finishing behind a repeat of CBS crime drama “Without a Trace” (2.7/7, 10.20m) in total viewers but winning its slot in the 18-49, 25-54 and 12-34 categories.

“Eli” was down 18% in 18-49 from its premiere, while lead-in “Lost” (6.5/16, 15.29m) posted a smaller 3% falloff. The drama about a lawyer who just may be a prophet is outperforming another rookie drama to air in the timeslot this season, “Big Shots.”


George Michael Asking for Help from Friends

Who Wham! I says that George is going to host a series of parties with friends to get ideas for the new autobiography.

The singer, 44, signed a multi-million pound deal for his autobiography in January, but cannot remember all the juicy stories that happened in his Wham! heyday back in the 80s.

So instead George, who has admitted to smoking cannabis, is setting up a string of dinner parties with old pals. He hopes they can remind him what he is supposed to write.

Kenny Goss

Kenny Hosted a Dinner for Sir Nicholas

Kenny Goss hosted a dinner for Sir Nicholas Serota, director of the Tate Gallery in London and creator of the Tate Modern, Thursday evening at the Dallas home.  You can read more about it here.

Eli Stone

Most Intriguing Character

George Michael came out on top for a poll of most intriguing character on “Eli Stone” with  a stellar 66.2%.  You can read more about it in Review: “Eli Stone” Freedom.

Eli Stone

Primetime Prophet

I thought, perhaps, some of you would like to respond to the following article, Primetime Prophet, which says:

Thus far, Stone has “seen” a few dance numbers and performances by George Michael – who is a little scary, by the way – but none of these visions have been particularly outstanding.

Eli Stone

Recap of Last Night’s Episode

Here’s a nice recap of last night’s episode of “Eli Stone” if you missed it: ‘Eli Stone’ Recap: Biplanes, And Choirs, And Bad Lawyers! Oh, My!

Eli Stone

“Eli Stone” keeps the “Faith”

There’s a nice comment about George Michael in “Eli Stone” keeps the “Faith”:

ABC’s new series “Eli Stone,” from “Brothers and Sisters” creators Greg Berlanti and Marc Guggenheim, had audiences keeping the “Faith” during its premiere episode last night. It has a charming story line played by a stellar and diverse cast, not to mention the highly produced musical number performed by Wham! front man George Michael, which makes this show much more compelling and entertaining than anticipated.


Thoughts about the New Autobiography from Tony Parsons

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Tony Parsons, who wrote the autobiography of Bare 20 years ago, talks about what George Michael will deliver in his new autobiography in the article, Is George really out to reveal all in new book?

Now there is widespread speculation about exactly what his latest autobiography will reveal. I suspect it will promise much and deliver little. George wants to tell all, because he is a born exhibitionist, but then he always gets cold feet.

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