Yours Only George

Yours Only George Celebrates Its 15th Birthday

Can you believe that Yours Only George is celebrating its 15th birthday?

This site has survived 15 years because of the many George Michael lovelies who have contributed news, links, photos, and comments through the various versions of Yours Only George.  Thanks to everyone who supports our sponsors, which allows me to keep posting the news for all of you!  Your kind words and support through the years have always meant a lot to me.

Thanks as always to Shannon who started our first fan club back in 1986 and was instrumental in the early years of the site.

Thanks to George Michael for all the wonderful years of music.  I never truly understood how much of an impact George Michael has had on my life until we almost lost him last year. I’m so very grateful that I can continue this fan site for George Michael for the foreseeable future.

Yours Only George


Rescheduled Australian George Michael Concert Dates

George Michael’s Symphonica tour will hit Australia in November 2012.  Dates include Perth, Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide and Brisbane. George Michael will also perform in the outdoor winery setting of Hope Estate in the Hunter Valley, New South Wales.  You can read more at about how to buy tickets.


Rolling Stone Poll: Vote for George Michael

Rolling Stone has a poll this week, asking what artist has had the best post-band solo career?

You can vote in the Rolling Stone comments, on or on Twitter using the #weekendrock hashtag.


New Song “White Light” Completed

George Michael has posted on Twitter that his new song, “White Light,” inspired by his near-death experience in 2011, is now completed.  He tweeted:

Ok my lovelies, WHITE LIGHT is done and dusted! Am I allowed to say it may be the best dance record I’ve ever made….!

Finished it today….. 🙂


Could George Michael’s House Be Haunted?

A number of articles are discussing possible paranormal activity in George Michael neighborhood.

One article, Ghost hunters tell George Michael his Highgate home may be haunted, said:

Ghosthunter Mickey Gocool, who has been investigating spirits from the other side for more than a decade, said: “Highgate has one of the highest levels of paranormal activity in the country and George Michael’s home is precisely the kind of historic house that might have activity.

“Although there is no real knowing from the outside whether a house has a lot of paranormal activity, but from my experience I can get a sense of things.

“Everyone feels it, you walk into a room and it is a bit spooky, you hair stands on end, that is what it is like sensing a spirit.”

A second article, Ghostbusters want to go-go to George Michael’s pad, said:

Chief investigator Micky Gocool, 46, would like George to invite him in to explore any “unexplained activity” with his ghostbusting tools.

He said: “I don’t know if George would be interested, but I might be able to answer his questions. I think on a personal level he would be curious, but because of his profile he might not be as keen.

“This is a major thing in the world of celebrities. Lady Gaga has her own team of investigators when she comes to England. Will Smith, Robbie Williams and Adele do too.”

A third article, George Michael spooked by ghost busters outside Highgate pad, said:

Mr Gocool, from Lordship Lane in Wood Green, said: “I quite often see George Michael in Highgate, I have known him for what seems like a hundred years.

“He is a really nice guy, but I think he must have been surprised when more people were talking to us than him.”