
George Michael Premieres Song for Prince William and Catherine Middleton’s Wedding

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George Michael premieres his new song, a charity gift for Catherine Middleton and Prince William’s wedding, on Piers Morgan Tonight at 9 p.m. ET.  

George said on Twitter: “Im (sic) REALLY happy with it… and I know Diana would have approved. She had a copy of Older 4 months before any of you lot!”

The Idea for the Song

Well, it’s actually very, very — well, the idea came to me last week, actually, about a week ago, that I should — that I should, perhaps, kind of express my happiness at this marriage in a way publicly. You know, it was a very beautiful summer — it wasn’t summer’s day. But it was an April day that happened to be like summer here in London.

And I was twittering and kind of got carried away and decided I was going to make them a new track. Give everybody on Twitter and William and Kate a new track by Friday. So, I’ve had a very busy week.

And the strange thing about this song, actually, considering I think it’s probably the best two days work I’ve ever done in my life, two or three days work, is that when I was a child, I dreamt of singing this song in my imagination. You know, my idea of fame at the time was the school assembly hall. I was about 12. And I had this record, this Stevie Wonder song. And I used to dream of singing it in school assembly hall. But I guess this is slightly bigger deal than that.

George Michael on CNN on April 15, 2011

The Song as a Gift to Catherine and William

So — and also the main thing about doing the song as a gift for them is not just a gift for them, it’s a gift that they will be able to hopefully turn into many, many donations for the royal charity, the that is, you know — which is where they asked people to give money rather than send presents of any description. I don’t know if that includes the people at the actual wedding, I don’t know if they’ve given out their toasters and their, you know, their – the wedding list, as it were, but seems very generously that they have, yes.

So, anyway, I would really like for any of my fans, or anybody who really enjoys this track, if they’re going to download it for free, which is absolutely what I’m willing to do, I would like them to go to Kate and William’s charity site and make a donation. You know, if they’re genuinely happy for these two people, which I think a lot of people are, you know?

George Michael on CNN on April 15, 2011

Message on William and Catherine’s Wedding Day

Oh, I think they should — I don’t think they need any advice from me. I think the message I would give — I’m just incredibly happy for both of them. And more than anything, you know, there was a kind of — I have quite an emotional attachment to what’s going on here because I felt so bad for those boys when she (Princess Diana) passed away, and having experienced losing my mother about three or four months before that, that day was very, very strange for me.

And also, you know, when I think of what — the devastation of losing my mother, the idea of going through that when you’re not into your teens or barely into your teens is just — I just — I can’t just — words can’t describe how much admiration I have for the way that they’ve both coped with it and especially when, you know, the media has made it so much more difficult for them. I’m just incredibly happy for — incredibly happy for William, incredibly happy for his partner, and I absolutely am sure that Diana would have loved the whole thing, you know?

And I really hope that she would have loved this track. I have a feeling, she would have done — she was a big fan and she had a copy of “Older,” which is obviously an album about bereavement, about four or five months before it went out into the public eye, and she loved it. And I did once see a documentary where William was playing that album which makes me think that he found it comforting. And it was an album about bereavement. So, I was very touched by that.

The whole thing has kind of different levels of meaning for me. And I’m just incredibly happy that they’re letting me actually, you know, have some part of the benefit site, the charity site, you know? Or at least they’re letting me share some of the attention for this amazing day in a way to raise money, you know, which is great.

George Michael on CNN on April 15, 2011

Don’t miss our previous article on “You and I,” which includes the song and lyrics.

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George Michael Gifts New Song for Prince William and Kate Middleton’s Royal Wedding

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In honor of the royal wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton, George Michael will be releasing a song on Twitter to celebrate the occasion.

He will be working on the track on Tuesday and will release it on Friday as a “twitterhug.” The only hints he’s given as to the name of the song are that it starts with “You” and “It was written in the seventies by a genius…..”

This article has been updated to include the song that George Michael sang for William and Catherine’s wedding and the lyrics.

“You and I (We Can Conquer the World)” is a song written and sung by Stevie Wonder from his 1972 album Talking Book (sponsored link).

The lyrics for “You and I” are:

Don’t miss George Michael’s interview about the making of “You and I,” as well as his relationship with Princess Diana and Prince William.

Make sure to follow Yours Only George on Facebook and X, and join our mailing list for the latest news on George Michael.


George Michael on Twitter

George Michael’s Symphonica CD
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I really have to disagree with “A crash course in how to tweet,” which critiques George Michael’s tweeting skills.

George has been great about trying out Twitter, and it’s nice to see him connect with his fans at such a personal level. I think he’s doing great, far better than I’m doing on Twitter!

The majority of fans following George Michael on Twitter would, of course, know that George’s comment to “Martin” was of course to Martin Kemp.  Most of us are following Martin Kemp as well as Shirlie Kemp.  Oh, and to the writer of this article, Shirlie is spelled with an “ie” and not “ey”

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Who else is there to follow?

Make sure to follow Yours Only George on Facebook, X, Threads, Bluesky, Instagram, and Pinterest. Join our mailing list for the latest news on George Michael.


George Michael Video Clips

George Michael’s True Faith
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You can view the new George Michael video for “True Faith” at YouTube.

You can view George Michael’s skit at Comic Relief also on YouTube.

Make sure to follow Yours Only George on Facebook, X, Threads, Bluesky, Instagram, and Pinterest. Join our mailing list for the latest news on George Michael.

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