
George Michael “Was Crying His Eyes Out … He Was Like a Little Boy.”

George Michael was just Georgios Panayiotou yesterday.  I don’t know if this jail time is a good thing for him or not, but I think it’s the first time in a long time that he’s going to be Georgios Panayiotou and not “George Michael.”  He’s been surrounded by “yes” people for so long that it will be difficult to be surrounded by the confines of the “no” world of a jail cell.

From George Michael jailed: Cellmate reveals star’s devastation as he is caged – Exclusive:

Yesterday cellmate Richard Hayes, 42, recalled the moment the shaken 80s pop legend walked into the court lock-up.

He said: “I couldn’t believe it was George Michael standing in front of me.

“When the door shut behind him, he didn’t know what to do. He was in pieces.

He kept repeating ‘I can’t believe this has happened to me’. I told him to come and sit down, asked him what happened and he just put his head in his hands.

“He was crying his eyes out, he was sobbing. He was like a little boy.”

“There were two other men in the cell. One appeared to be off his head. He was in another world.

“I told George to sit down. To be honest with you, he was s***ing himself. I tried to reassure him, but he just held his head in his hands and stayed in the corner.

“I was trying to be nice to him because I feel sorry for him going to jail with his status. But on the other hand, he was driving a big car while he was out of his brain. He could have killed someone.”



George Michael Sentenced to Jail


From George Michael jailed for eight weeks for drug driving:

The BBC’s Lizo Mzimba: ”He actually seemed shocked”

George Michael has been given an eight-week sentence for crashing his car while under the influence of cannabis.

He was also fined £1,250 at Highbury Corner Magistrates Court in London and given a five-year driving ban.


George Michael in Detox Program

This note is posted on the official site:

My Dear Fans,

As usual I am overwhelmed by the support and genuine concern that so many of you around the world have expressed in recent weeks. I want to thank you all sincerely, and also to reassure those of you who worry so much for me. I fully appreciate the seriousness of my current situation, for which I truly apologise.

You will understand that it would be wrong of me to go into details before the court case has ended but I feel you should know that on the day after the incident I checked in to a clinic for a 14 day detox program here in London, which has been followed by ongoing outpatient drug counselling several times a week. Personal problems which I had tried to deal with myself had clearly got the better of me, and I am sorry that my pride has prevented me from seeking help before now.

I would also like to express my thanks to those whose discretion allowed me to begin this process in private, which has helped me greatly.

With love and my apologies,
George Michael


George Michael Faces Jail for Drug Driving

Here are additional articles on George Michael’s court appearance:


George Michael Pleads Guilty

From George Michael pleads guilty to drug offenses:

 The multimillion-selling singer was warned Tuesday that he may face jail time after driving his car into a London photo shop while under the influence of drugs. …

The car’s engine was still running when police arrived, but Michael had to be roused, police said. They described Michael as appearing “spaced out.”

“Mr. Michael looked at the officer with his eyes wide open and the officers could see his pupils were dilated,” said prosecutor Penny Fergusson. “They opened the door and could see he was dripping with sweat.”

Prosecutors said Michael acknowledged smoking marijuana and taking a prescription sedative.

The former Wham! lead singer, booked under his real name of Georgios Panayiotou, spoke only to confirm his identity and plead guilty to driving while unfit.

Judge Robin McPhee banned Michael from driving for six months, and warned he could face jail time when he is sentenced Sept. 14.

“It is a serious matter. Your driving was extremely poor and there was an accident,” McPhee said, adding that Michael has already had one conviction. “I make it clear all options in respect of sentencing remain open, including powers to imprison.”