
George Michael Fell Out of Speeding Car, Eyewitness Says

Katherine Fox was one of the first on the scene of George Michael’s accident, according to The Sun.

Katherine said: “I saw blood everywhere and a man on the ground.

“I thought someone had run across the road and been hit.

“I asked what had gone on and was told he tried to open the car door and shut it again because it wasn’t shut properly and apparently fell out at 70mph.

“I was on the phone to the ambulance and said, ‘You’d better come quick. This doesn’t look good’.

“George was wearing a black and gold Adidas tracksuit that was ripped all down the arm and shoulder. He had no trainers on.

“I grabbed one from the second lane because cars were swerving to avoid it.

“His sunglasses were also in the road. I could hear the crunch as cars drove over them.”

“George didn’t say anything, he just seemed in shock.

“He was sitting down against a car and in the arms of his friend.

“The guy holding him was quite scared. He kept saying to George, ‘Are you all right mate?’

“I think George was lucky he didn’t die.

“If he’d landed in the second lane he would have been hit by a car without a doubt.

“He was in the middle of the M1. I could have run him over.”

The BBC is reporting:

His spokeswoman said: “Following the traffic accident on Thursday, we can confirm that he is still in hospital.

“We are keen to stress it’s purely as a precaution for observation.

“He did suffer a couple of bumps and bruises to the head and that’s why they are keeping him in – to keep an eye on him.

“He is doing better. He is making good progress and is looking forward to getting out.”


George Michael Is Fine After Traffic Accident

George Michael was injured in a car crash on the M1 motorway on Thursday night, according to the Mirror. He was a passenger in a car on the northbound carriageway when the incident occurred around 5:50 p.m.

The official George Michael site says:

George Michael was a passenger in a vehicle involved in a traffic accident yesterday evening, no third party was involved.  He is being treated for superficial cuts and bruises but is fine.  We have no further comment at this time.

Official George Michael Site

The Mirror is saying that another man in the car was flown by air ambulance to a specialist trauma center in London for treatment on a head injury.

TMZ is reporting a slightly different story:

A rep for the emergency response crew released a statement saying, “[George]  sustained a head injury and following treatment, stabilisation and immobilization by land and air ambulance crews, he was flown to the hospital for further care.”


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George Michael’s Spokesperson Denies Rehab Claims

A new report says George Michael is denying rumors that he has been in a rehab center in Australia since February.

“George was in Australia, but it was a holiday. He goes there every year,” George Michael’s spokesperson said. “He was writing songs for his new album, but he is back in London now.”

The spokesperson also said that George Michael is in “great health.”


George Michael’s Recovery

A recent report is saying that George Michael may have had a two-month stay at a luxury private retreat, The Sanctuary, in February in Australia to deal with a slate of issues including emotional anxiety and a drug disorder.  He was rumored to be battling a dependency on Valium since undergoing a tracheotomy in 2011.

George cancelled his Australian tour in September 2012 and released a statement at that time, saying that he would receive overdue treatment for the trauma associated with his near-death experience in 2011.

George has been Twitter-silent since January 2013 with only a few comments in the last five months.

In March, he was spotted walking his dog in England.


George Michael Wishes a Belated Happy Christmas

George Michael has written on his Twitter account, after a two-month absence.  He addresses concerns about his health and wishes a belated happy Christmas to all his fans in his latest tweets.

Hey everyone! Belated HAPPY XMAS!!! sorry you haven’t heard from your favourite singing greek for so long!

Fadi tells me some of you have been worrying about me, but you needn’t worry, I’m doing great! Feeling so much better than I was….

Hope you’ve all had a lovely Xmas, mine is still going on, my house is full of my nearest and dearest, thank you for all your tweets…:)

Must get back to my party, bur looking forward to a great 2013, i promise it will be full of great new music, huge Xmas hug to you all! xxxx

We last heard from George when he cancelled his Australian tour back in September because of ”major anxiety” related to the pneumonia that nearly killed him last year.

Concerts Personal

George Michael Talks about the Symphonica Tour and More

George Michael has an interview with Wales Online.  Here is a recap:

On the Symphonica Tour

“And my audiences are just so amazing now, they really are. I can sort of feel their love and gratitude when I’m on stage and I think that comes from them having so many of their life experiences attached to my music over the  years.”

“One of the ways they’ve (his fans) shown their appreciation to me on this tour is by being so patient with the songs I’m performing. I’m sure there have been numbers that they’ve never heard of, or the occasional jazz standard or whatever, but they’ve just seemed totally prepared to go on this musical journey with me. I think that really shows the level of fans that I have.”

On the Pneumonia and Coma

“What I do remember, though, was feeling this terrible, terrible guilt and pity for what my family, friends and my new partner had to see me go through,” he admits.

“They literally spent two or three weeks not knowing if I was going to make it, and if that had happened to me in reverse – if it had been one of my sisters fighting for her life – well I know I’d have been absolutely devastated.

“For my part, though, I didn’t realise the danger I was in until after it was all over.”

On “White Light” and the New Album

“It’s really a celebration of my coming through pneumonia last year,” he says of his new single. “Pretty much everything I do is autobiographical, and in this case, having come close to death, I knew something good musically would come out of it. A lot of people were expecting me to write a ballad, but I wanted something uplifting and positive, hence the dance track.”

George says the new album is “going very well”.

“I’d say this album lies somewhere between Faith and Older in terms of content and it’s probably the most radio-friendly album I’ve made in a long, long time. It’s pretty upbeat and I’m sure that my fans will like it, although I’ll be waiting for them to let me know which tracks they think will be the potential classics. I haven’t settled on a title yet, so watch this space. I think it’ll be out early next year.”

On Success

“I don’t know how it happened, I really don’t. But I’m still here and my new single really kind of says I’m not ready to go anywhere. In my business, success is something that can sort of slip away from people after a while. And not just success but also the inspiration and the self-doubt that’s needed to keep you trying to do better.”

“For me there’s always this possibility that you’ve lost something that you’re not aware of. And that’s exciting, you know. Because the day that I’m not  worried anymore is the day that I should stop. I think if you’re complacent about your talent then it can definitely drift. That’s much less likely to happen if you realise what a privilege it is to be talented and successful in this business.”

You can read more in George Michael on his near-death experience, new album and career.

Concerts Personal

George Michael Cancels Tour of Australia

George Michael cancelled his Australian tour on Sunday because of “major anxiety” related to the pneumonia that nearly killed him last year. The Australian leg of the tour was supposed to start in Perth on November 10.

“Since last year’s illness I have tried in vain to work my way through the trauma that the doctors who saved my life warned me I would experience,” George wrote on his web site.

“I was wrong to think I could work my way through the major anxiety that has plagued me since I left Austria last December.

“As soon as I complete these shows here in the UK I will receive the treatment which is so long overdue.”

Michael said doctors had recommended complete rest and counselling but he had “believed wrongly that making music and getting out there to perform for the audiences… would be therapy enough in itself.”

Though he said his voice had recovered completely, adding that “I truly think that some of my recent performances have been my best ever,” Michael said there had been a heavy psychological toll.

“Unfortunately I seriously underestimated how difficult this year would be,” George said.

Chugg Entertainment announced that Sir Elton John and his band will be the first act to open the newly constructed Perth Arena with a second Perth Concert on Saturday 10 November.

The event will be performed “Under The Stars” with the Arena roof open. Elton John’s other Perth concert, already sold out, is on Monday 12 November.

This concert by Sir Elton John replaces the George Michael concert scheduled for 10 November. Customers who currently hold tickets to George Michael’s Perth Arena concert on November 10 have the option to use these tickets for the new opening event, Elton John, on the same night, or to obtain a refund on their tickets. Ticketek will contact ticket holders to advise of the process to be followed.

In a statement Sir Elton John said he is excited to be the opening act of Perth’s new home of entertainment.

“My dear friend George Michael has been giving some amazing performances on the Symphonica tour, and I’m very sorry that he can’t play the Perth concert.

“But I’m more than happy to step in for him and play the opening night at the brand new Perth Arena on November 10.”

“It is a fabulous building and I’m told we can even have the roof open for our concert and play under the stars!

“My band and I will make absolutely sure that Perth Arena has an unforgettable opening night, and we are looking forward to seeing the city come out in force to celebrate this stunning new building,” he said.

You can read more at:


George Michael’s Manchester Concert Reviews

The two reviewers of George Michael’s Manchester concert didn’t see things the same way.

Manchester Evening News writes:

The full orchestra provides a spectacular backdrop to the show, and breathes a sparkling new level of seduction to old George classics.

Eighties favourites Father Figure and Different Corner are sensual singalongs while the likes of Cowboys and Angels and Kissing a Fool were made for this sort of symphonic treatment – it’s truly spine-tingling stuff.

It’s super-stylish too, a sleek black circular set, with our Gorgeous George at the heart of it all in sharp black suit and Tom Ford specs.

… Too many magic moments to mention, this tour proves 49-year-old George is back, and boy he means business.

The Guardian writes:

However, the covers are as hit and miss as his driving. Rufus Wainwright’s gay persecution lament Going to a Town is ethereally beautiful as is David Bowie’s Wild Is the Wind, before its unfortunate funk detour, but the vocoder version of New Order’s True Faith (“about addiction”) damages Michael’s vocals far more than his tracheotomy might have.

At 49, he seems to be struggling to recover the once uncanny ability to deliver what his public wants. There aren’t too many screams of excitement when he opts for big band standards and a cocktail jazz version of the Police’s well-worn Roxanne over Faith or Careless Whisper.



George Michael on Vogue Paris

George Michael and Kate Moss are on the cover of the October 2012 edition of Vogue Paris. The photo was taken by Mario Testino.

For more information see:


George Michael Returns to UK stage

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George Michael returned to the UK stage yesterday when he performed at Birmingham’s LG Arena. George told the crowd, “I’m back.”

Joking with the crowd, he told them: “You could have stayed at home and watched ‘The X Factor’ tonight. I may be 70-years-old but I can still do it.

“That might let people on to the fact that I actually watch ‘The X Factor’. I only watch it because my boyfriend likes it.”

You can read more at:

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George Michael First International Pop Star in Opera Garnier

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George Michael has become the first international pop star to perform in Paris’ Opera Garnier, a venue more known as a stage for classical music and opera.

He performed Sunday evening, as part of his “Symphonica Tour,” to support French AIDS charity Sidaction.

Before the show, George tweeted:

Well me, not exactly operatic. In fact, I am told that mine will be the first non-classically trained voice to sing on that prestigious stage. Not sure I believe that, but it’s a nice thought, if a bit terrifying.

As the gig came to a close, the 49-year-old told the Paris crowd: “Paris, you’ve been wonderful. It’s good to see you all.”

French fashion designer Jean-Paul Gaultier, The Artist actress Berenice Bejo, Bond girl Berenice Marlohe and actress Dolores Chaplin, the granddaughter of silent film star Charlie Chaplin, were among the celebrities who gave the singer a standing ovation at the French opera house.

“It’s so touching to see George sing here, and it is very special to see him in the Opera Garnier,” said Chaplin.

He performed a selection of his biggest hits and American standards before the swaying crowd, winding up with an explosive finale of “Freedom” and “White Light.”

Tickets for the concert went at up to 1,300 euros with a special dinner thrown in. An auction raised 68,000 euros, with a dinner for six with George Michael at his London home bringing in 31,000 euros.

After the show some 250 celebrities met George Michael at the invitation of organizers Line Renaud and Pierre Berge.

Berge, the companion of late fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent and co-founder of Sidaction, declared: “The only vaccine against AIDS is the condom” while singer and entertainer Renaud praised George Michael as having always promoted “sex without risks.”

The concert and dinner swelled the coffers of Sidaction by some 289,000 euros.

Make sure to follow Yours Only George on Facebook and X, and join our mailing list for the latest news on George Michael.


New Interview with George Michael

George Michael has given an interview with Here is the Google translation of the interview, which will give you the gist of what George said.

What inspired you to their new single “White Light”?
The text is a celebration of my recovery from pneumonia last year. Pretty much everything I do is autobiographical. And in this case, after I had come very close to death, I knew that because something good would come out musically. Many people have expected of me that I think about writing a ballad, but I wanted something emergent, positive – hence the dance beat.

Why did you decide to perform at the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games?
As I thought about it, the text seemed to me especially for this occasion very appropriate. Of course he plays on my fight with pneumonia, but the message can also accompany one of the overarching themes of the Olympic Games, namely the overcoming of adversity and physical stamina.

In the video for the song plays with Kate Moss. How do you co liked her?
Great. She is now even my neighbor who recently moved a few doors down. Anyway, I called them and asked if they might be in the video. And she has said `Yes. And of course, she was brilliant. It turned out that she was a bit disappointed that they did not like all the other supermodels were in the clips for “Freedom ’90” and “Too Funky” here. I hope that I have made up for it. And I would add that we both have a fantastic director, namely Ryan Hope worked. It has all been a pleasant, relaxed feeling.

The title refers to the bright light that can be seen before the alleged death?
Exactly. But in the beginning I said, ‘There’s no white light and I did not go through `Fortunately, I have not seen this light.. And for that I am grateful.

Over time in the General Hospital

What are your memories of time in the hospital?
I remember even at some things, but I do not want to go into too much detail. What I remember best but remember, is that I have been so terrible, felt horribly guilty and sorry for my family, my friends and my new partner Fadi had to witness that they had, what I go through there. Two or three weeks, they did not know if I’ll survive this. And if that had happened to me with the opposite sign – I one of my sisters fighting for their lives had seen – it had blown away. I myself but the danger in which I was not, mitgekriegt. I’ve only realized when it was all over.

They have donated 1000 tickets for the concert in Vienna at the General Hospital of the workforce.
Yes, that’s the least I can do. The team that saved my life is, on the first evening sitting in the front row, which is great.

Why did you give this impromptu press conference after they had been discharged from the hospital? Since they had stirred honest, to be back in London.
Oh God, I was just so glad to be back home. By this time I was ten days awake and wanted nothing more than to get out of this hospital room full of things that I had been staring for weeks in this surreal, almost dreamlike state, while I was fighting for my life. But the doctors were not sure if I’d feel good enough that I can be home for Christmas. And when she saw me then left before the big day out. . . well, you can imagine how moved I was there. I was so grateful to be alive, to be at home so grateful that I decided to spontaneously go out and talk to the press. I had no plan, no security, no PR agents. Only my best friend, who shouted and told the people what they should do.

What they have done, which was quite amusing. What progress does your new album? It is said that it has a classic George Michael Feeling.
Very good, thank you. I’m back in the studio working very hard and love it. I would say this album is in terms of content somewhere between “Faith” and “Older”. And it is perhaps the most valid radio music for a very long time. It is pretty fast and I’m sure my fans will like it. It will be released early next year, but I did not have a title for it.

They had an incredibly long and successful career in a business that acts come within moments and go sees. What is your secret to success?
I do not know how that happened. I honestly do not know. But I’m still here and my new single suggests somehow that I’m not ready to surrender. In my business success is something that slips away easily after a while. And not only the success but also the healthy self-doubt, it takes that one keeps trying to make it even better.

So there is no room for complacency?
Absolutely not. I always think of the possibility that I lost and did not notice. And that’s exciting. For in the day that I’m not worry about that anymore, I should stop. When you live with your talent into complacency, then it can only drift that is definitely more. But it is far less likely to happen, if we realize what a privilege it is, in this business to be talented and successful.

Look forward to going to continue with the “Symphonica” tour to?
Oh, yeah. I look forward to very much. I loved this tour, and it was a shame that the show had to be canceled. And my fans are now also so wonderful. I can feel the love and gratitude of the people when I’m on stage. And I think that’s because they have all these years so connected many of their life experiences through my music. One way in which they have shown to me on this tour, their esteem, is that they were so patient with the songs that I sing. I’m sure there were numbers that they had not heard of before, but she seemed so absolutely ready, go with me on this musical journey. I think that shows the level of my really good fans.

It brings you closer to their fans, to be on Twitter?
I think so. It is so nice to read all these messages, because they are so positive on Twitter. Thank God it’s not like on YouTube, where so many comments are negative. My Twitter fans are much nicer. And it’s a fantastic way to talk to them, they require without having to press a mediator.

How often do you tweet?
I do not have specific times. But already I’m twittering regularly – except I’m in the studio or working very hard on something else. Then it may be that I did for a week or two so stop, because I was, what I was doing so claimed.

You have dreamed about since childhood of becoming a musician to be. But you could imagine at that time to be so successful?
Strangely, I had as a child a sense that I will be a successful musician. But I never thought it was going to be a career. I was convinced of my talent and my ability, but I just wanted to be on Top Of The Pops (note the editors: for 42 years the most important charts in the British TV show). That was my only idea of success and fame. When I started, I had no idea that there would be in the 80’s MTV, and that British artists will be for as decisive. I was lucky that my music has suited the times, and then swam to the shaft.

Who inspired you as a boy?
I’ve always been a big Elton John Fan. And I also loved Queen and Stevie Wonder. Who were my mentors. And when I was old enough to go to concerts, I made a pilgrimage to all their awesome shows. I’ve looked at Freddie Mercury on stage and thought, my God, how that must surely be able to do that. Years later I was able to occur even with both Freddie and with Elton. To sing with Queen, is still the most memorable moment of my career.

Are they proud of her life’s work? What is your favorite album?
Definitely! I am very proud of my work and very happy that I’m still here and can do what I love. With respect to my favorite album, I’d say: “Older”. Most people probably expect me “Faith” say, because that was my first solo album and has brought my solo career in motion. But “Older” I had written for someone I’ve loved and lost. So it is actually born out of the pain, and it was like a catharsis for me. But when I think about it now, what I went through when I wrote it – so I never want to be inspired again.

If the rumors that Wham! will reform, some truth in it?
It’s strange, because this story appears once a year in the press. And this time, no truth to it. When Wham! it was a matter of being young and exuberant. This feeling can be over a certain age no longer recreate. These white shorts will definitely stay in the drawer and we have Wham! be a very happy, wonderful memory.

What the next twelve months bring for George Michael?
I’m after the kick-off shows in Vienna again with “Symphonica” eco-tour and will make up for the lack can Europe data before it goes to Australia. I’m really looking forward to it. And because my new album coming out early next year, I think I’ll be busy then with video shoots and other promotional work.

And after that?
I do not know. What I have learned to be come so close to death, is that it makes no sense to plan for the future in detail. Because you never know what lurks around the next corner a. I’ll give myself more now sure the flow of life. But of course I will continue to make sure music. And I will travel a bit with Fadi. That is why perhaps a longer holiday on the plan.


George Michael Continues Symphonica Tour

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George Michael resumed the Symphonica tour yesterday by paying tribute to the medical staff who kept him alive when he had pneumonia.

He returned to the stage at Wiener Stadthalle after postponing the tour in November when he fell ill. Some 300 staff from Vienna’s General Hospital attended the show, after being given tickets as a thank you gift.

“I’d like to take the opportunity to say that there are a number of people without whom none of us would be here tonight. This is one of the greatest honors of my life, to sing to the men and women who saved my life,” he said, before singing his rendition of Nina Simone’s “Feeling Good,” a request from one of the doctors.

Before his final song, “White Light,” he said, “One last treat for you all before we go. I think given the manner of men and women who did save my life, we could not go without singing this song. Let’s hear it for the people who saved my life!”

George had completed 46 of the original 65 dates of his European tour when he was taken ill hours before he was due to perform in Vienna.

Following a second date in Vienna on Wednesday, Michael will perform in Paris for an AIDS charity gala this weekend and then in Amsterdam before moving on to the UK.

You can read more in:

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Symphonica Tour Resumes in Vienna

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George Michael resumes the Symphonica tour in Vienna tonight.  Ten months ago, George was forced to postpone the remainder of the tour when he caught pneumonia and nearly died.

Austrian media reported that 300 hospital staff – from doctors to cleaning crews – will attend Tuesday evening’s show. With his permission, the hospital is selling another 700 concert tickets he donated to raise money for lung disease research.

George Michael posted on Twitter:

Hey everyone, it’s that time again! And I get to open the tour singing to the men and women who saved my life. And it’s a beautiful day!

Make sure to follow Yours Only George on Facebook and X, and join our mailing list for the latest news on George Michael.

Media Music

Why George Michael Sang “White Light” at Closing Ceremony

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George Michael has been getting some criticism about performing his new single, “White Light,” at the closing ceremonies for the Olympics. The media is having a field day with this.

For a man that nearly died and had a tracheotomy that could have destroyed his singing career, it was awesome to watch him perform in front of a worldwide audience for the first time after his near-death experience. I am only saddened that those of us in the U.S. watching the closing ceremony on NBC were not able to see the triumphant return of George Michael singing such a positive, life-affirming song … “White Light.”

Here is what George Michael told his Twitter audience today:

Morning everyone! Had a GREAT time at the closing! I hope you are not bothered by the press reports of my scandalous ‘promotion’ !!!

Please join me in telling them to fuck off ! It was my one chance on tv to thank you all for your loyalty and prayers, and I took it. X

And I don’t regret it. Xxxx

A spokesperson for George Michael said he chose “White Light” because the lyrics address his battle with pneumonia, and he thought the message of overcoming adversity fit the Olympic theme.

“White Light is about the fact he nearly died last year,” said the spokesperson.  “It’s the first song he wrote after it all happened and he wanted to perform it for fans as a celebration that he’s alive. It seemed quite appropriate.

“He doesn’t need to plug his new single — it was just nice for him to sing it. It’s a bit of a shame that it’s got this response because he was so excited to perform it.”

Organisers defended the choice of song choice, which they described as a   “collaboration” between Michael and Kim Gavin, the artistic director of the closing ceremony. “One of the themes of the ceremony was endurance and physical endeavour, and Kim decided this song was appropriate,” said a spokesperson.

George Michael’s performance of “White Light” is available on a Symphony of British Music: Music for the Closing Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games (Amazon Ad).

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George Michael Performs at the Olympics Closing Ceremony

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George Michael performed two songs at the 2012 Summer Olympics closing ceremony. The first was “Freedom 90” followed by “White Light.”

More pictures and videos are available:

George Michael’s performance of “White Light” is available on a Symphony of British Music: Music for the Closing Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games (Amazon Ad).

Make sure to follow Yours Only George on Facebook and X, and join our mailing list for the latest news on George Michael.


New George Michael Interview

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The Daily Express has a new interview with George Michael.  Here is a quick recap of what George Michael said.

“White Light”

… as the chorus suggests it wasn’t my time to see that light, so thank goodness for that. What’s strange, though, is that so many people were expecting me to write a ballad about the whole experience. But I thought, how morbid would that be? I wanted the song to be a complete celebration of my surviving it.


The doctors told me that I’d had untreated pneumonia for like three or four weeks and I’d been singing and doing five shows a week as my lungs slowly filled up with fluid. But strangely enough during all that time I’d actually felt fine.


 My audiences are amazing. I can sort of feel their love and gratitude when I’m on stage. On this particular tour I was pretty impressed that they were so patient with the fact that often I was singing numbers they’d probably never heard of, rather than just my own songs.


It’s lovely for me to read all the messages that people post because they’re generally very positive.

Make sure to follow Yours Only George on Facebook and X, and join our mailing list for the latest news on George Michael.


George Michael Performing in Olympics Closing Ceremony

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As reported previously, George Michael will be performing in the closing ceremony of the 2012 Olympics in London, England. The closing ceremony will be on August 12, 2012, at 9 p.m. BST (UK Time) or 2 p.m. EST.

George Michael told his Twitter followers today:

“Hey everyone, how are you. Spending most of the next week rehearsing like crazy for the Olympic closing ceremony…


Obviously a bit nervous not having played for nearly a year, but rehearsals sounding great so far!”

The title of the ceremony is “A Symphony of British Music.” It will focus on the huge impact that Britain has had in music and will include some of today’s most well-known entertainers.

George Michael’s performance of “White Light” is available on a Symphony of British Music: Music for the Closing Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games (Amazon Ad).

Make sure to follow Yours Only George on Facebook and X, and join our mailing list for the latest news on George Michael.


George Michael Making of White Light Video

MSN has a behind-the-scenes look at George Michael’s new video for “White Light.” George is in the scenes but only talks at the very end.


George Michael Interviews for White Light

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George Michael has been doing quite a few interviews this week.  George Michael’s interview with London’s LBC radio station is available here.  Below is a quick recap of some of the things he has been talking about.

His Mum

George Michael revealed his mom encouraged him to fight for his life while he was in the hospital with pneumonia, he said during an interview for UK TV show Lorraine.

“I would like to focus on the fantastic good fortune I had in dodging the bullet, as it were,” he said. “In that strange place between life and death I was definitely feeling my mother kind of basically saying, ‘Don’t you dare come and meet me yet, I am not ready and you are not ready.'”

George explained why Kate Moss was his choice for the woman who saves his life in the “White Light” video.

“I wanted someone who would represent the most beautiful woman in the world,” he said.  “and as far as I am concerned that is how I remember my mother, as being the most beautiful woman in the world. In a strange way, Kate represents my mother, you know.

“White Light is my way of thanking fate and my fans all at once, I suppose.”

Rupert Murdoch

George Michael talked about Rupert Murdoch, saying: “I’m delighted that the man has lived long enough to see what’s happened because I’ve actually been on Murdoch Watch since I was about 19, honestly, watching this man, believing he was truly the most evil character on the planet, and that he had worked his way through the media to become the most powerful yet unelected man in the world.”


On London’s Heart 106.2 on Thursday, George Michael said of his first meeting with Madonna: “I will tell you the first time we ever met, we were both in this club in L.A. and it was very like being at the school canteen.

“Basically somebody came over to my table and said ‘Madonna would really like to meet you’… (I thought) that’d be nice, cheeky cow. I proceeded to follow this woman over to Madonna’s table where she was talking to Kevin Bacon at the time and I stood there and she just ignored me, which is kind of what you do at school when you fancy someone isn’t it? You pretend not to like them.

“She didn’t try to seduce me, no… I didn’t stand there for very long!”


George Michael revealed his dream of making his songs into a stage show during his interview with London’s Heart 106.2 radio station, and told listeners he is looking for a “good writer” to collaborate with on a musical.

He says, “I’m considering it right now actually, for the first time ever. I don’t know if it’s related to what I went through last year, but I’m considering it for the first time, handing my material over to some very good writer and finding a great storyline because so many people want it and it’s obviously a no-brainer in terms of whether I think it would do well.

“It would be a George Michael catalog and it would include a couple of Wham! things.”

Make sure to follow Yours Only George on Facebook and X, and join our mailing list for the latest news on George Michael.