
Did Princess Diana try to have an affair with George Michael?

Did Princess Diana try to have an affair with George Michael? is a long, thought-provoking article on what George might write in his autobiography.

Eli Stone

George Michael on Access Hollywood

Watch “Eli Stone” with George Michael
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The Access Hollywood web site has an interview of George Michael on his part in “Eli Stone.” Sadly, this interview has been removed since this article was originally published.

Eli Stone is the story of a lawyer who suddenly starts to have hallucinations … of George Michael. It starts out with George Michael singing “Faith” on his coffee table. What’s so fun about the first season of this television show is that George Michael makes multiple appearances. All of the show titles are George Michael or Wham! songs, and many of the musical numbers are also George Michael songs.

Eli Stone stars Jonny Lee Miller, Natasha Henstridge, Loretta Devine, Matt Letscher, Sam Jaeger, and Victor Garber.

The DVD for the first season of Eli Stone (Amazon Ad) is currently available.

Make sure to follow Yours Only George on Facebook, X, Threads, Bluesky, Instagram, and Pinterest. Join our mailing list for the latest news on George Michael.

Eli Stone

George Michael on “Extra” Today

Watch “Eli Stone” with George Michael
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George Michael cast in “Eli Stone” says to tune into the television program “Extra” today.  It also quotes George Michael as saying:

“I said yes the minute I heard. They said they wanted to name each episode after a song of mine. It’s all flattering to the ego, isn’t it?”

Admitting he wasn’t the show’s first choice, Michael says, “Apparently, the studio didn’t think I’d say yes. They wrote it again for, I think, Phil Collins.”

Not only does Michael belt out his tunes, his co-stars sing his songs as well. “I think Loretta Devine sings One More Try… Victor Garber gets to sing some of them which he says is very nerve wracking,” Michael says.

Eli Stone stars Jonny Lee Miller as a lawyer who begins to have hallucinations that lead him to a higher purpose. Episodes from the first season include George Michael songs, with occasional appearances of George Michael in a hallucination or as himself.

All titles of the first season are George Michael songs, including “Faith,” “Freedom,” “Father Figure,” “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go,” “One More Try,” “Something to Say,” “Heal the Pain,” “Praying for Time,” “I Want Your Sex,” “Heartbeat,” “Patience,” “Waiting for that Day,” and “Soul Free.” Many of the musical numbers also include George Michael songs.

Make sure to follow Yours Only George on Facebook, X, Threads, Bluesky, Instagram, and Pinterest. Join our mailing list for the latest news on George Michael.

Books Kenny Goss

Kenny Goss Not Worried about Tell-All Autobiography

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According to George Michael’s Confident Lover, Kenny Goss isn’t asking for editing privileges when it comes to George Michael’s upcoming autobiography:

Kenny Goss, who began dating the former Wham! star in 1996, insists he will not be demanding any “red pen” rights after George revealed plans for an explosive tome.

He said: “I’m not asking for anything like that. But it should be an interesting book because George is a very honest person. Anyway, I’m not expecting to read anything I don’t already know.”

Make sure to follow Yours Only George on Facebook, X, Threads, Bluesky, Instagram, and Pinterest. Join our mailing list for the latest news on George Michael.

Eli Stone

First Look: Eli Stone

Watch “Eli Stone” with George Michael
Amazon Ad now has a 7-minute clip of the pilot for Eli Stone, which includes the clip of George Michael singing “Faith” in Eli Stone’s living room.  The link has been removed since this article was originally posted.

Also, there is one photo of George Michael in the photos section for Jonny Lee Miller. The link has been removed since this article was originally posted.

Eli Stone is the story of a lawyer who suddenly starts to have hallucinations … of George Michael. It starts out with George Michael singing “Faith” on his coffee table. What’s so fun about the first season of this television show is that George Michael makes multiple appearances. All of the show titles are George Michael or Wham! songs, and many of the musical numbers are also George Michael songs.

Eli Stone stars Jonny Lee Miller, Natasha Henstridge, Loretta Devine, Matt Letscher, Sam Jaeger, and Victor Garber.

Make sure to follow Yours Only George on Facebook, X, Threads, Bluesky, Instagram, and Pinterest. Join our mailing list for the latest news on George Michael.