Yours Only George

Yours Only George Celebrates 27 Anniversary – Part 2

Yours Only George

When I first started coming up with my Top 5 favorite things that have happened over the last 27 years at the Yours Only George site, I kept coming up with some truly sad things that have happened. I decided to have a happy list of George Michael things that have happened and a list of sad things that have happened.

I am posting my Top 5 Saddest George Michael things about the site from the last 27 years:


When Princess Diana died, we decided to start a Princess Diana tribute page, which ended up being far larger than ever anticipated with contributions from the Yours Only George site, Yogmael, and Gnotes. As I wrote at the time: “And so, in my grief, my best friend and I decided to create a small tribute page for you, which turned out to be much larger than I ever expected it to be. In a world that is often cynical and cruel, it is so beautiful and fitting that people united to make this page for a woman who had so much love in her heart. You taught us how to love, and I can only hope that we will share your gift with one another. Thank you for giving us the greatest gift of all.” (This is one of the many pages that needs to be updated with new graphics.)


I remember searching for George Michael news one night in 1997. If I looked late at night, I would get all the tabloid news that was published in the U.K. while most people were asleep. I remember not wanting this information to be true: George’s beloved mother, Lesley Angold Harrison Panayiotou, died on February 26, 1997, of cancer. I created a small page with quotes of all the lovely things George Michael said about his mother over the years. There is also a second tribute page to Lesley Panayiotou written from a fan’s perspective.


George Michael was known for various accidents involving cars. The accident on the M1 was another scary moment in the life of George Michael. It was such a crazy moment where we once again didn’t know if George was going to make it.


When George Michael had pneumonia, I remember not much was being said. The only information that was coming was through the tabloids, and it sounded bad.

When George first spoke to the press after nearly dying in the hospital, it was heartbreaking. Whenever I see this clip, I start crying.


I still have not totally dealt with the death of George Michael. I like to think there is an alternate universe where he is still alive, happy, and making music. I will never forget the moment that Shannon, cofounder of this site, called me on Christmas day and told me that George Michael had died. I had previously been worried about him because his voice did not sound strong during the Red Line interview. George Michael had cheated death so many times before that it was shocking that he would die on Christmas day.

Thanks to all the Lovelies for all the support through the years, in the good times and the bad!

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About Melanie

Melanie is the co-founder of Yours Only George and has been the webmaster of the site since 1997. Melanie has been a George Michael and Wham! fan since "Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" in 1984.