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George Michael Miscellaneous Links

For more recent articles, please visit the News.

Pop Idol: Your Views
The BBC has a page with views on the winner of Pop Idol. George, of course, is mentioned.

Hitting the Right Royal Notes
George's friendship with Princess Diana is mentioned in this article.

Hidden Hotels Reveal Party Isle's Quiet Side
This article reveals that George once stayed at Pikes.

Sir Paul is 'Pop Billionaire'
George Michael made the Top 10 of the Sunday Express's "Rich List" for 2002 with £210m.

Más información sobre George Michael
This Spanish information site has a biography on George.

Wort Laut
I'm not really sure what this one is about.

George Michael at the recording of "Desafinado"
Here's a photo taken during the recording of "Desafinado."

Top executive leaves EMI
George is mentioned as one of the acts signed by Nancy Berry.

My Music: Lifehouse
What song always makes Sergio of alternative rock band Lifehouse cry? "Careless Whisper" by Wham.

Final curtain for Richard and Judy
George called in to pay tribute to Richard and Judy during their final show.

Richard and Judy's swan song
George called in to pay tribute to Richard and Judy during their final show.

Stars come out for Aids benefit
George is once again mentioned as one of the stars who has been approached for an AIDS benefit.

Tom Jones in Tune with Pavarotti
George is briefly mentioned in this article.

Leather fashion gets a savaging from McCartney
George is once again mentioned as likely to donate his services for free in an anti-fur film.

Lennon's stretch limo up for sale
George is mentioned in this article.

Lennon Piano on the Auction Block
The BBC has an article on a Lennon piano that was auctioned.

Limp Bizkit Song Meanings
Ya gotta have faith!

Mirror Pix
Search for about 70 George photos.

Live Aid - A Celebration
The main site on Live Aid.

Simon Napier-Bell
If you want to read the scoop on the Wham! days, make sure to read through Simon Napier-Bell's daily post.

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