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George Michael News from March 2003

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March 28, 2003
In the News

George is mentioned in the following articles:

March 27, 2003
In the News

George is mentioned in the following articles:

March 25, 2003
In the News

George is mentioned in the following articles:

March 19, 2003
In the News

George is mentioned in the following articles:

March 18, 2003
In the News

George is mentioned in the following articles:

March 14, 2003
Queen Aren't About to Replace Freddie With George or Anyone

In case this rumor starts again, let's remember this: "Queen Aren't About to Replace Freddie With George or Anyone."

In the News

George is mentioned in the following articles:

March 12, 2003
CapitalFM Transcript

Forsythia sends us the CapitalFM interview.

Hear George Michael's Peace Song

The Mirror's article, "Hear George Michael's Peace Song," says George wants as many people as possible to listen to "The Grave" and think about the consequences of war in the Gulf. A related article is "George Michael Sings Anti-war."

In the News

George is mentioned in the following articles:

March 11, 2003
New Song "Precious Box"

Pinkycat tells us that George said on Capital FM that the new album will be out some time before Christmas. Angelo sends us a clip of "Precious Box," the new dance single.

Five Live Interview

Forsythia sends us George's recent interview with "Five Live" and an article on the interview, "IDS Clashes with Star."

"The Grave" MP3

Pinkycat and Cindy tell us that "The Grave" MP3 is on in the public section under news.

Michael Accuses BBC in War Row

More articles on the t-shirt controversy are coming in:

Vote for George on Top of the Pops

Cindy and Vicky tell us you can vote for George's performance at Top of the Pops.

In the News

George is mentioned in the following articles:

March 7, 2003
TOTP Allegedly Tell George Michael to Remove Anti-war Shirt

According to Ananova, George allegedly was ordered to remove his anti-war shirt at the TOTP taping.

George Michael Returns to TOTP after 17 Years

Forsythia sends us the following articles on George's return to TOTP:

In the News

George is mentioned in the following articles:

March 6, 2003
In the News

George's recent activities are mentioned in the following articles:

50 Sexiest Video Moments

VH-1 is airing "50 Sexiest Video Moments" on March 12 at 9 p.m.

Christina Aguilera Duet?

And if you want to know what some fans of Christina Aguilera think about the possibility of a duet, you can read about it here.

March 5, 2003
"The Grave" Video

YOGfriends Angelo and Forsythia send us the article, "George Michael 'The Grave'" and the video link. The lyrics are available here.

George on TOTP

Pinkycat tells us that George Michael is performing "The Grave" on TOTP on Friday, March 7, at 7:30 p.m. on BBC1.

Christina Aguilera Duet?

YOGfriend Jason tells us about a possible duet with Christina Aguilera.

In the News

George's recent activities are mentioned in the following articles:

March 4, 2003
Michael records war protest song

YOGfriends Jason, Forsythia, Angelo, and Cindy tell us that George is releasing his version of Don McLean's "The Grave," which was played by MTV UK & Ireland across Europe on Monday.

Related articles include:

Also, on Monday's Howard Stern show, they talked about George's anti-war song. Someone asked who would listen to what George had to say, and Howard Stern said, "No one."

In the News

George is mentioned in the following articles:

[ George Michael News from 2007 ] [ George Michael News from 2006 ] [ George Michael News from 2005 ] [ George Michael News from 2004 ] [ George Michael News from 2003 ] [ George Michael News from 2002 ] [ George Michael News from 2001 ] [ George Michael News from 2000 ] [ George Michael News from 1999 ] [ George Michael News from 1998 ] [ George Michael News from 1997 ]

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