George Michael News from September 2003

George Michael's Patience
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September 30, 2003
George's New House
Does George have more houses than solo CDs? I've lost track.
Anyway, read all about George's two luxury villas in his parents' home
country of Cyprus in "Shakira
moves in, by George!"
In the News
George is mentioned in the following articles:
September 25, 2003
In the News
George is mentioned in the following articles:
September 23, 2003
In the News
George is mentioned in the following articles:
September 19, 2003
George Michael Heads All-Star Campaign Launch
George Michael has joined a host of other celebrities at
a campaign launch to help raise £20 million for terminally ill children
for the charity Rainbow Trust.
For more information, please read:
September 18, 2003
In the News
George is mentioned in the following articles:
September 12, 2003
Because of the death of a close family member, I have not
been able to update the news as frequently as I usually do. I will try
to begin updating again soon. Any major news (i.e. new album, new tour,
new facial hair, new anything!) will be added to the site as soon as I
know about it.
Also, because of the amount of SPAM I was receiving, I have
closed the
e-mail address. Please use the Something to Say
form to send me news or links. Thank you.
[ George
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